Under the new state of California order, financial institutions are considered “essential businesses” and not required to shut down their operations or close to the public. Thus, …
We will continue to hold down the fort in our office.
Even if the state or federal government were to issue new orders, you should always be able to reach us via our business phone and our emails:
- Office: 310-534-5490
- Adam: adam@sbassetstrategies.com
- Bianca: bianca@sbassetstrategies.com
I’m confident we can take reasonable precautions, and do our part to prevent the spread of this virus while functioning effectively. If the order changes, and we are required to close our office, we’re setup to operate and maintain normal business hours from our home.
“We are not in a high-stress business. We are in a high responsibility business.” — Larry Bakerjian
Larry sure hit the nail on the head with that comment. And I have taken it to heart. I know how important the funds I oversee are to all of you.
While I can’t control what happens in the market, I will continue to provide the best advice, service and support possible through these challenging times.